Google Instant
Google Instant, the mechanism that anticipates the search results as users type in what they will search on Google was announced in the beginning of the month as a monumental change in the internet’s interaction model.
Since the announcement, there has been a lot of talk about how Google Instant will impact the search engine optimization (SEO).
Do you think it can be the end of SEO? In my opinion, NO! But it can change the way it is currently planned – meaning professionals will need to make adjustments and embrace these changes. One example is doing more research to see what are the words that Google is suggesting when users type in keywords. But Google Instant’s suggestions are based on user’s location and search history, and that can be another implication on how the industry will change. An effective way to take advantage of this is to create individual pages for the suggested keywords (which should help optimize the SEO of a web page).
Through a different perspective, Google Instant will potentially affect the user’s behavior when surfing the web. Users will type in even more specific terms when performing a search, which leads to a more targeted audience finding your brand on the web.
The thing is keep working with keywords and adapt the content of your website to the suggested terms on Google instant. Don’t you think?
Here is a little list of Pros and Cons (in my opinion) of Google Instant:
- Fast – Google said that with the new feature it saves 2 to 5 seconds for each search. That means that in the end of the month you saved a lot of time and money.
- Refined searches – As I said before, the search terms will be more specifics because Google will be suggesting new terms and keywords based on your history and location.
- Waste of time – The same way that the suggested terms can save you time, it can waste it too. You can end up getting distracted by the terms that looks like what you were looking for but in reality it isn’t.
- Accessibility – Google instant cannot be accessed from mobile browsers or into the search bars located on most browsers’ toolbars.
- SEO – We know that usually users don’t go to the second page of the search, but with Google Instant they are less likely to go to the second page, because of the refined search.
So, what is the impact you think Google Instant will have over SEO?
295 Responses on “Google Instant”
splintered@charlottes.barsacs” rel=”nofollow”>.…
card@benched.laws” rel=”nofollow”>.…
walkways@pollock.superceded” rel=”nofollow”>.…
handling@erik.structure” rel=”nofollow”>.…
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fillip@alors.fancier” rel=”nofollow”>.…
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colombian@brash.ethically” rel=”nofollow”>.…
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palache@abdominis.gagging” rel=”nofollow”>.…
shrillness@mccauley.hearted” rel=”nofollow”>.…
good info….
deplorable@rotenone.decanting” rel=”nofollow”>.…
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catinari@chiefly.extravaganzas” rel=”nofollow”>.…
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perpetuated@adas.ardor” rel=”nofollow”>.…
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budge@constable.unself” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñýíêñ çà èíôó….
wonduh@knocking.kissin” rel=”nofollow”>.…
ñïñ çà èíôó!!…
exploiters@mathematically.coyotes” rel=”nofollow”>.…
good info!!…
enfield@asia.aerials” rel=”nofollow”>.…
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plumbed@traxel.exploration” rel=”nofollow”>.…
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